Penguins are often associated with ice and snow, although more species live in temperated or even warm oceans, rather than in polar or subpolar oceans.
When you see pictures of penguins, most of the time you will see those birds between rocks and bushes, on grass or sand beaches, and not on snow.
Especially while only few (emperors) breed on ice , but almost all species look for a snow-free place to breed on and raise their chicks.
And the myth of polar bears eating penguins will be disproved too.
Main goal of this homepage is to show how penguins live and why they fascinate so many people.
Latest updates
- 25 April 2013: Celebrate Penguin Day: sign the petition
- July 2009: As there are too many pictures which have nothing to do with penguins I made a seperate domain/gallery for it:
- December 2008/January 2009: redesigned the complete website
- Made some new animations
Have fun